Monday, January 7, 2019

Game Journalism Play 1

What specifically did you do
All I did was trying to get supplies as much from the ocean then I try looking for a place like an island or boat so I don't get killed by the shark 


                        What did you learn about about how to play the game
What I learn was this game is kinda the related from last year Game Journalism The long dark, I learn how to use a plastic hook to catch things what of the water, I learn how to build stuff with materials from the ocean and I need to go to an island as soon as possible to collect more items that might be hiding like food before my raft floods away  

What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow
Finding more ropes and items so I can build a spear so I can fight the shark if he try to bite my raft again and build fire to get pure water and survive as so as possible until you get help.

 Add a picture of your raft that includes a caption

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