Monday, January 14, 2019

Game Journalism Play 3

What new things did you build today

I built two sides of triangle thatch sides and a stairs. I was going to built a roof but eventually I died because I died from thirsty and the shark so I had to restart again

How will these new thing help you play the game(Tips&Tricks)

If I built the second floor, then I can get more space to put more storage such as moving my researching table and my bed and downstairs will be the grilling and water purifier.

The triangle thatch sides will help me from falling down if I was catching things from the water

The roof will help me catch things more easy

The roof will help me get on to island that are really high so it will be easy for me to get on top

What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow

I'm going to find metal

I'm going to built a shark bait so it will distract the shark because it's really annoying me when I'm trying to collect things and shark just appear out of no where and it will help me  collect more things for the research lab and upgrading me raft

Add a picture of your raft, Explain why you built the raft the way you did

The reason why I built the triangle thatch side is because sometimes when I'm trying to grab things near me, I always fall down over and over or it's better for me to built this so it will be easy for me to collect things without falling down

I built the stairs because it's better for me to catch things that are hard to get instead of swimming and it also helps me to see where the shark is attacking my raft

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