Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Game Journalism Play 2

What specifically did you do today

What I did today was I just collected resource from water or Island such as food, water and materials like ropes, plastic or wood and not get killed by the shark, but this time I'm going to make my raft a little bigger that way I can place more storages such as fire to make food and fresh water, creating a research lab and a bed

What did you learn about how to play the game (Tips&Tricks)

Use Water purifier to collect salt water to change it into fresh water, if your thirsty then drink water and after you finish drinking, place another saltwater on the purifier, that way you can just drink right away after it's been cooked.
Collect more barrels if you see some because they contain more things inside such as food, leafs and ropes
Make a grill to cook your food like potatoes and fish
Upgrade your raft so you can put more stuff on it
 Use a plastic hook collect things instead of swimming to avoid getting attack unless if you can't catch it then it's risking if you don't want to get kill by the shark, unless you swim faster there and back.

What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow

Probably going to collect more items first, then I'm going to build my raft a little bigger and I'm going to try to search for bolts

Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) Explain what you have done to your raft and why

I added more wood onto my raft to make it a little bigger, I added a research lab, I added a grill for cooking food and I added water purifier to change saltwater into fresh water

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